Sunday, 21 March 2010

What determines the value of things? How are some people, ideas, materials, products or organisations thought more valuable than others?

What do our choices about the things we choose to value say about the people we are?

Write about your sense of value in relation to people, objects, ideas, principles or by category: for example, how do you value the arts, or government, technology, the financial system, consumer products, or global corporations?

What unexpected or challenging facts lie behind our value systems? What are the giveaway truths, opinions, facts and figures that show us and our value systems for what they are?

All contributions will be used to inform development of the public artwork, The Ladder, largescale digital projections of text and graphics by public artist Martin Firrell designed for the exterior of the world famous church of St Martin-in-the-Fields in Trafalgar Square, London.